Humans and Horses: Bob DuRocher and Hope’s Millenium Miracle
Bob DuRocher and Hope’s Millenium Miracle Reg. #00-66147
Hope, my first fox trotter, lives up to the reputation of being a member of a loving, gentle, and intelligent breed. Because of colic surgery, my prior mount is now Hope’s new best friend. Hope is a joy to take on a trail ride with my buddies and their horses because of her disposition and eagerness to please me. She also loves being with the other horses.
One of my most memorable experiences was when we first became partners and attended a Halloween trail ride and costume contest. I had never dressed a horse in a costume before and was nervous about how she would react. So, after a lot of careful thought, I decided to dress us as identical clowns. She was just fine with this idea and seemed to love the attention. We have become very close and I love that she waits for me to come home every evening. She is eager for our next adventure or ride and so am I.
More About Humans and Horses of the MFTHBA:
The Human and Horses of the MFTHBA online series provides an opportunity for MFTHBA members around the world to share a little about themselves and their favorite Missouri Fox Trotting Horse. All MFTHBA members are welcome to participate. Learn more about the series and how to submit your story here.