Over the years, breeders have mentioned the importance of seeing a stallion’s offspring when selecting the perfect match for their mare. Many attendees have also mentioned the desire to look at offspring for sale. The first Prospect Sale and Showcase makes both those requests a reality.
All Stallion owners who participate in the 2017 Stallion Tour will get one entry to participate in this exclusive event. While the entry does not need to be owned by the stallion owner, the stallion owner will be responsible for selecting the representative for their stallion. The prospect entry should be the best representative of your stallion and breeding program. All entries are to be well manicured, groomed, clipped, and in their very best presentation form.
Entries in the Prospect Sale and Showcase have the option of being ridden, or led by a handler of their choice. There will be an announcer reading information provided by each owner on the designated sign up forms regarding the offspring’s papers, disposition, age, and if it is being offered for sale or just on exhibition. The sale of entries will be a Private Treaty event between owner and prospective buyers. All entries must be ages 3 years and under and cannot have been shown before. Attendance is free for all prospective buyers and Stallion Tour participants.
Additional prospects from Stallion Tour stallions will be featured on the Stallion Tour website.
More information on the Prospect Sale and Showcase coming soon!
How will the Prospect Sale and Exhibition work?
We are still finalizing specific details but here is what we can share. The Sunday following the Stallion Tour , the Stallion Tour will host a Prospect Sale. This event will be open to the general public. This event was initiated after comments during the first two Stallion Tours that attendees would not only like to see offspring from the stallions to assist them in selecting a stallion for their mare but that they were also shopping to buy a prospect. The Prospect Sale event will meet that need. Every participating stallion will be able to enter one offspring into the Prospect Sale and Showcase. This will be a private treaty sale and open to horses that are three year olds and under.
Why can I only enter one offspring?
The Stallion Tour is guaranteeing space for one offspring per stallion. This entry is included in your stallion entry. Once we have a clear handle on the number of entered stallions and final space availability we may open up entry to additional offspring. Additional entries will be offered to stallion owners in the order that they register for the Stallion Tour. There is no guarantee of additional space.
MFT Stallion Tour
Amy Stangl, Chairman
Phone: 816-806-9288
Email: astangl920@gmail.com