Code of Conduct
Ethical, sportsmanlike, professional conduct, and humane treatment of horses is expected of all exhibitors, coaches, agents and spectators. Intimidation and abusive conduct will not be tolerated on the show grounds.
Official Show Photographers
Only photographers and videographers hired by the MFTHBA are authorized to publically sell photos and videos of the event.
Horses Entering Showgrounds
All horses entering showgrounds must have a negative Coggins test and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, regardless of state of origin. In addition, The MFTHBA Board of Directors highly encourage all horses to be vaccinated for influenza. Horses must enter through the equine entry gate to have paperwork checked. All horses will be charged a $10 inspection fee.
Youth Exhibitors
Youth 11 and under will be allowed to Exhibit only in designated youth classes. All youth age 6 & under will be required to have an attendant in the arena while exhibiting in a class. It is recommended that all youth age 11 & under wear an ASTM/SEI certified helmet.
Dog Policy
Dogs will be allowed on MFTHBA showgrounds on a 6’ maximum leash. Only 2 dogs per camp, unless prior arrangements have been made with the MFTHBA. Seeing eye and service dogs are exempt. Three dog walk areas have been designated. North Dog walking area-NW of barn 13, west of road, South Dog walking area-Below hill South of camper #’s 1-20. West Dog walking area-Below hill west of versatility arena. If you choose not to use any of these designated areas, please carry a pooper scooper and clean up after your pet.
No dogs allowed at any time in the spectator area at any of the five arenas located on the showgrounds. Service dogs are exempt.
The following dog breeds have been determined to be dangerous by the MFTHBA Insurance carrier and will not be allowed on the MFTHBA showgrounds: Pit Bull, American Bull Terrier, Yankee Terrier, Rottweiler, Wolfe Hybrid (Tundra Shepherds), Akita, Chow Chow, Presa Canario, any trained guard dog, any dog with vicious tendencies or any dog who has bitten someone. A dog of mixed breed, which includes any prohibited breed, is still unacceptable.
Owners/handlers of prohibited breeds, confrontational, aggressive or excessively barking dogs will be asked to remove such dogs from MFTHBA showgrounds.
Golf Cart/Utility Vehicle Policy
All golf carts and/or utility vehicles must have a current permit issued by the MFTHBA office. Current insurance is required to operate a golf cart or other utility vehicle on the MFTHBA property. Operators understand that he /she must be 16 years of age and possess a valid driver’s license.
Alcohol, smoking, and dogs are prohibited from the stands of the Dale Esther and Versatility Arenas.
Arena Light Policy Policy
Lights at the Dale Esther, DQP and Warm-Up arenas may not be used prior to June 6. On June 7-8, ALL lights will be turned off at 2 a.m. During the show (June 9-12), lights in the DQP and Warm-Up arenas will be turned off at 2 a.m. or 2 hours following the completion of the evening session, whichever is later. Lights in the Dale Esther Arena will be reduced to three light towers at 2 a.m. The Board requests the last rider turn off the remaining lights upon leaving the arena. On Saturday June 11, lights will be turned off following the completion of the evening session.
The lights in the Versatility Arena will not be available for use during the Spring Show and Three Year Old Futurity.