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Class Entry Hours

Welcome to the 66th Annual World Show & Celebration

Office hours for the class entries:

……..August 31st                    9:00AM – 3:00PM
……..September 1st               9:00AM – 4:00PM
……..September 2nd – 6th    9:00AM – 4:00PM
……..September 7th               9:00AM – 2:00PM

Good Luck to all exhibitors.

Health Papers Information

Health Papers will no longer be required upon class entry of any MFTHBA show.

Horses that are transported across state lines should have Health papers.

All horses upon entering classes must present current negative Coggins (EIA test chart showing test date within 12 months prior to show date).

Entries are ready in Horse Show Tracker

The 66th Annual Show and Celebration (show name in HST) has been uploaded to Horse Show Tracker and online entries are open.  Please note, Class 76A (Limited Working Cow Horse WC) on the showbill is class 176 in Horse Show Tracker.  This class will exhibit in the order on the showbill (Wednesday September 4th) with the other Cow Horse classes.

No pre-entries will be accepted in the MFTHBA Office prior to show office hours.  Please use online entries, or plan to enter classes at the show entry desk.

Class 134 Entry Fee Change

Attention: The entry form has been updated to reflect the $300 entry fee recommended by the trainers committee and approved by the BOD in February.  The MFTHBA will keep the standard $45 entry fee for this class and the remaining $255 will be used for paybacks to the winners in class 134.

Entry Form – Fill out online, print form, sign and mail with copy of papers and entry fee(s) to MFTHBA PO Box 1027, Ava MO 65608.


Membership Dinner

The Annual Membership Dinner will be held August 31st at 6:00 pm under the Roy Williams Pavillion.  The menu consists of smoked pulled pork sandwiches and smoked shredded chicken sandwiches,  baked beans, cole slaw, banana pudding and more! The Membership Dinner is free and we hope to see you there!

Please call the office at 417-683-2468 or email foxtrot@mfthba.com to make reservations.

If you would like to make a donation towards the cost of the Dinner, or help in any way, please contact Mark Holifield.



In the December 2022 a Breeder’s Committee was formed within the MFTHBA. The objective and goals of this committee was to look into and see what was needed to increase ways to promote breeding and to increase the number of foals available. That Spring this committee came up with a plan to try to bring back the foal and yearling sale during the Celebration. A lot of work and preparation went into this, but due to the lack of numbers of foals available out there, the sale was not a possibility. Looking for further ways to increase the registrations, transfers and memberships within the association, along with ways to create a market for young horses, the committee chose to work on some sort of incentive.

In 2017, a couple of breeders and trainers got together and created the two-year-old and incentive fund which raised $14000.00 payback for the two-year-old divisions at the Celebration. At that time the breed was struggling filling those two-year-old divisions. When the incentive fund was implemented, all preliminary classes and stake classes were full for that year. HUGE SUCCESS, Proving that if you put money out there, they will show up.

This thought process prompted the 2023-24 breeders committee to take this action to try to implement a payback for the two-year-old open division at the 2024 Show in Celebration. In doing so, several ways of raising funds were discussed. A committee member brought up the idea of this committee operating the cook shack during the Spring Show and the Fall Show and Celebration, with all funds after expenses being paid to the two-year-old open World Championship. This was presented to the board and approved for the committee take action. At the Spring show and 3-year-old Futurity, the committee and volunteers operated the cook shack. Total proceeds after expenses were $3367.00 The committee is also received sponsorship contributions of $1000.00 from Specialty Feeds in Memphis, Tennessee, along with $500.00 sponsorship from MPBA. Bringing the total to date to $4867.00 If the cook shack proceeds from the Show and Celebration equal the average daily proceeds from the Spring show and futurity, which was roughly $800 per day. We could very well be looking at over a $10000.00 payout for the two-year-old Open World Championship. The beauty of this program is you don’t have to pay a higher entry fee at an earlier date and you don’t have to bring a horse that’s sired by a specific stallion. This will be paid back in the Open 2 Year Old World Grand Championship Class, a class which is open to trainers, amateurs, novice, anyone. The decision to put all the payback in the Open World Grand Championship and not divide the purse between open and amateur was made due to the fact of it being the first year and unsure exactly how it many funds would be generated, they wanted to try to build the largest payback possible. The class will pay 10 places with the checks being mailed to the registered owner of the horse following final calculations of the proceeds after completion of the show. Pictured below is the percentage payback breakdown. With hopes of this being a perpetual committee to be carried on for years to come with future boards, to continue to build the purse for the open and possibly the amateur classes in the two-year-old division. The committee believes in time, this program, THE BREEDERS SHOWCASE, will create a demand for those young horses, bring back and create a market for the weanlings and yearlings to help increase registrations, transfers, memberships, it’s a win-win situation for the whole breed.

At this time, we would like to sincerely thank the members of the committee and the volunteers who gave their time to help make this possible.

Everett Clamp, Committee Chairman
Gary Hays, Kitchen Manager and Cook
Becky Bailey
Melody Nagel
Carol Hightower

Board reps for the committee
Brian Land
Brian Oglesby

Janna Starnes
Samantha Connelly
Haylee Sudbury
Phyllis Burkdoll
Janice Posey
Garrett King
Michelle King
Trey McDaniels
Johnny Burkdoll

We apologize if I’ve forgotten anyone and would like to invite anyone who’s willing to step up and volunteer at the Show and Celebration, even if for just a few hours, to please contact any committee member or Board Representative for this committee.
Thank you.

Health Papers

Health Papers will no longer be required upon class entry of any MFTHBA show.

Horses that are transported across state lines should have Health papers.

All horses upon entering classes must present current negative Coggins (EIA test chart showing test date within 12 months prior to show date).