Home Events Ride The Big Sky

Ride The Big Sky

August 12, 2022 all-day
Fales Flat National Forest Service
Bitter Root Valley
Mark Goss

Come “Ride The Big Sky” trail ride sponsored by the Big Sky Foxtrotter association August 12-13, 2022 in the Bitter Root Valley of Western Montana. The ride will be held in the National Forest on National Forest Trails that are marked for easy navigation. The trails are selected to provide riding opportunities for horses and riders of all levels. The trails are in a mountainous area but several of the trails are on relatively flat ground. There will be 2 or 3 rides a day on the 12th and 13th. All rides will be led by guides experienced with these particular trails and an experienced guide will ride drag. One ride will be for less experienced riders that want to walk and perhaps occasionally trot on the trails that are not steep. This ride will be around 2 hours and there may be a morning and an afternoon ride depending on the number of riders who want to join this ride. There will also be a ride for more experienced and confident riders and horses that will leave in the morning and follow more difficult trails.  This ride will last 4 to 6 hours and involve a lunch break. The trails will be marked by Tuesday, August 9th for those riders who would like to ride the trails early and on their own.

There will be no stabling facilities so riders will have to furnish their own horse containment systems. There will be plenty of room for portable stalls or eclectic containment. Water will be available in nearby streams. Riders must bring their own hay and it must be certified weed free. The BSFTA will have access to weed free hay and can arrange its purchase to those who need it. There will be dry camping with no access to electricity. There will be no or very primitive restroom facilities. Riders should bring their own drinking and cooking water as the water in the nearby streams contain giordia and that is some nasty stuff. The water is crystal clear and cold and looks okay and the horses can drink it without effect but it causes some serious diarrhea in humans. Friday evening there will be a potluck supper with everyone bringing their favorite dish. Saturday is Steak Fry Night where the BSFTA furnishes the steaks, the grills and any help needed to create a great charcoaled steak. Riders and guests will bring potluck dishes again Saturday. Either preceding or after the evening meals the National Forest Service will provide some form of education in forest awareness. In the past, they have given instruction on grizzly bear awareness and leave no trace riding. Riders who pre-register for the ride will be given a complimentary commemorative t-shirt. Since this ride is part of the Western Trail Ride Circuit, riders who attend all the rides in the circuit will receive a gift in recognition of their accomplishment. There is no charge for this ride except the $10 per rider fee to the MFTHBA collected after the ride. Riders will have to sign a liability release form from both the MFTHBA and BSFTA before participating. The Ride The Big Sky is designed to be centered on fellowship and fun. Our plans are to provide a safe, interesting and fun series of trails that will give riders of all levels a unique experience in the mountains of the great state of Montana.