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Judges Clinics

Become an MFTHBA Carded Judge!

Are you interested in judging Missouri Fox Trotting Horse classes? The MFTHBA offers a training program to teach and certify judges.

In order to apply for a judge’s license, an applicant must meet the following requirements:

1. Current member in good standing of MFTHBA;
2. Age 18 or older;
3. Attend and complete an official MFTHBA Judges Seminar, complete official MFTHBA Judges Test and pass to satisfaction of the MFTHBA Judges Committee.
4. To be qualified to judge a performance/model horse show an applicant must apprentice performance/model classes, to the satisfaction of a qualified mentor, as determined by the MFTHBA Judges Committee.
5. To be qualified to judge a versatility/ranch horse show an applicant must apprentice versatility/ranch horse classes (excluding speed events), to the satisfaction of a qualified mentor, as determined by the MFTHBA Judges Committee.
6. The applicant shall have a maximum of 12 months in which to complete this process.
7. Applicant successfully meeting the requirements shall have their name presented to the Board of Directors, for the Board’s final consideration of granting an MFTHBA judge’s card to be effective for a three-year period. Additional endorsement for versatility and/or ranch horse will be added if so qualified.

The MFTHBA Board of Directors will provide final approval for the issuing of the full judges card. Additional endorsement for versatility and/or ranch horse may also be added if the applicant is qualified. Additional information about the process and the process for renewing an issued judges card can be found in the MFTHBA Rule Book .

Need to renew your card? Or attend a certification training? Visit the Judge’s Forms and Downloads page for more information.