“It’s not about me, it’s about the horse.” This slogan drives the focus of the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Youth Association (MFTHBYA).
The mission of the youth program is to provide education and enjoyable activities for members 17 and under. The MFTHBYA offers programs that give youth the opportunity to learn and practice business skills in the horse industry, help worthy causes and events, and engage in leadership positions. The program emphasizes good horsemanship and recognizes those youth who show initiative and interest in owning, riding and raising Missouri Fox Trotters. A highlight of the MFTHBYA program is the annual Youth Seminar held prior to the Three Year Old Futurity and Spring Show.
All MFTHBA members that are 17 years or under as of January 1st of that calendar year are automatically members of the MFTHBYA.