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The Missouri Fox Trotter, the official state horse of Missouri, is known for being one of the smoothest riding, most versatile breeds in the country. Developed in the Missouri Ozarks the breed has grown to more than 90,000 registered horses across the United States, Canada, Europe and even the Middle East. Fox Trotters are now used primarily for pleasure riding and are increasingly successful in Competitive Trail and Endurance Riding. The Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association, Inc. (MFIHBA) is seeking sponsorships for its programs and shows for 2024.
We have two national shows each season. The first is our Spring Show and Three Year Old Futurity and Youth Seminar June. The Mission of the Youth Program is to provide education and enjoyable activities for its members. We have many programs in place that offer our members the opportunity to learn and practice skills of business in the horse industry, help worthy associative causes and events, and engage in leadership positions. The second is our Show and Celebration which is held in September. Both shows are held at our Headquarters and Show Grounds in Ava, Missouri. Each year, many of our 8,000 members attend these shows.
Sponsors like you make our programs and events possible. Sponsorships are an excellent way for your business to reach horse owners who enjoy pleasure riding, showing, ranch work and competitive events.
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Please contact:
Mary Ellen Frantz, Advertisement Chair at
We would like to thank all of our current businesses and individuals who have already secured a spot in our 2024 sponsorship program! We are grateful for their partnership and encourage all MFTHBA members to support their businesses in return.