Recognizing the accomplishments of the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse and the Missouri Fox Trotting Pony.
The MFTHBA Medal Program provides an opportunity to recognize the achievements of MFTHBA and MFTPR registered horses.
Horses and ponies are nominated to the Medal Program. The nomination fee is a lifetime nomination. Once nominated, a horse or pony can submit information on their accomplishments to the MFTHBA. If the points are earned at an MFTHBA sponsored show, MFTHBA Recognized Show or MFTHBA Point Show, the owner will not need to submit results. Points from these events will be added when results are received from the show. Result information will become part of the horse or pony’s permanent record. Once the horse or pony reaches the established point level, they will be awarded a medal. Owners should note that to receive points the owner of record for the horse or pony must be a current member of the MFTHBA. Points earned while the owner is not a member will not be recorded.
Offering Silver and Gold Medals in 16 different Categories
Plus two special recognition levels:
Nominate your horse or pony for just $15 at the time of registration (18 months or under) or $50 for an adult horse. The nomination is a lifetime nomination. The owner of record must be an MFTHBA member at the time the points are earned.
For each level reached, the owner of the horse will receive a certificate (including the horse’s name, date awarded, and achievement) and a medal/coin in the appropriate color for the achievement. The achievement will also be noted in the horse’s file and will be listed on the horse’s registration papers (and that of its offspring). The owner may pay to receive an updated copy of the horse’s papers. Horses reaching a medal level will be recognized in the annual Celebration Catalog during the year achieved (i.e., horses that earn a medal in 2021 would be listed in the 2022 Catalog).
When an All-Around level is achieved, the owner of the horse will receive a plaque (including the horse’s name, date awarded, and achievement). Horses reaching the Supreme All-Around level will receive a trophy (including the horse’s name, date awarded, and achievement). Both All-Around awards will be presented during the World Show and Celebration. Horses reaching an All-Around award will be recognized in the annual Celebration Catalog during the year achieved (including a picture). The achievement will also be noted in the horse’s file and will be listed on the horse’s registration papers (and that of its offspring). The owner may pay to receive an updated copy of the horse’s papers. A complete list of horses achieving All-Around titles will be maintained on the MFTHBA website.
Program Document: This document provides details on point structure and requirements for each category
Nomination Form — Online Nomination Form
Program Forms: This program includes point submittal forms, historical points submittal forms, and award request forms.
Historical Point Submittal Instructions
Step 1: Collect documenting information from each event. All points must be validated. To do this, results must be documented in writing from the hosting/sanctioning organization. This can include resulted officially posted on an organization’s website or results provided on the organization’s letterhead and signed by authorized individuals. For MFTHBA sponsored shows, owners should print results from the MFTHBA Website or Copy results from the Celebration Catalog. The only exception to the documentation is for MFTHBA’s Fox Trot America program. For this program, the MFTHBA will validate submitted patches with internal records.
Step 2: Highlight the horse’s name, class/event, place/result/miles, year, and sanctioning organization on each results statement.
Step 3: Please merge these documents into one electronic file (preferably PDF) and in the order put into the electronic points file (see below).
Step 4: Document each class/event and required information in the Historical Points Recording Excel Sheet. One horse per file. Download the form on the Medal Programs Forms Page.
Step 5: Complete the Historical Medal Program form. Download the form on the Medal Programs Forms Page.
Step 6: Complete the online submittal form. Attach the Historical Medal Program form (from step 5), Historical Points Recording Form (from step 4), and supporting documentation (from step 3). You will be prompted to pay the historical point documentation fee upon submittal. ($15 per category). The online form is located on the Medal Programs Forms Page.
Step 7: This step is completed by the MFTHBA office. They will review the electronic file and the documentation provided. Any points submitted without documentation from the hosting/sanctioning organization will be removed.
Receiving your medal/award:
Once you reach a medal program milestone, complete the award request form found on the Medal Programs Form Page. This form can be emailed to the office. Once received, the office will verify the completion of the milestone and issue your medal. If you reach the all-around title, please use the same form.