Classifieds are $15.00 per month for the first 30 words then $.35 per word after.
HORSES FOR SALE in Van Alstyne, TX. Owner wants them to go to good homes, contact Doyle Burk at 903-815-9181
1. Reg # 07-91104 Shelby’s Red Sunsine. Very Good Natured Sorrel Stallion. Used the Clinton Anderson Method. Ridden about 6 times.
2. Reg # 10-96824 Shelby’s Sjs Sunrise. Liver Chestnut Mare. Half moon star and left rear sock. Leads, loads, stands and has had ground work.
3. Reg # 08-94019 Queen Ann Bee. Sorrel Mare. Few white hairs on forehead. Nice mare – Green Broke.
FOR SALE: Stalls 40 & 41, Barn 14, North side, Faces the Versatility Arena! One customized to 10′ x15′ with resulting 10’x5′ tack/feed room. Stall has 2 windows/fans. I paid $1200 each, BOTH for $1200. Lisa Petty (573) 999-6508.
FOR SALE: New, never been used, Billy Cook saddle with tags. This saddle is in perfect condition. $1850 Call 618-973-7725 for more information. Rocking horse saddle stand available also.