Home Feedback Requested on Judge Selection Process

Feedback Requested on Judge Selection Process

MFT Full LogoBased on feedback from exhibitors at past shows, the MFTHBA Judges Training Committee proposed changes to the way judges were selected and utilized during the 2015 Spring Show and Three Year Old Futurity. The proposal was approved, with minor modifications, by the MFTHBA Board of Directors. This process was implemented during the show held June 10-13, 2015 at the World Headquarters in Ava, Missouri.

With the show complete, the MFTHBA would like feedback from participants on whether the new process achieved the goals the committee was working to accomplish. All exhibitors, owners and spectators are invited to take a brief online survey to provide their feedback on the system. This feedback will be utilized in the evaluation of the judge selection process to determine modifications needed moving forward.

The survey will be open until July 1.  The survey can be accessed by clicking HERE.