Home Proposed By-Laws Change

Proposed By-Laws Change

The following proposed rule changes have been approved by the board to be published for MFTHBA member feedback.

MFTHBA members should review these changes and supply feedback to their regional director. Contact Information for your Board Members.

Once Proposed Rule Changes are posted, members must be allowed a minimum of 60 days to provide feedback. Following this period, final approval will be voted on by the MFTHBA Board of Directors. If changes are approved they will officially become part of the rule book on January 1 the following year.


Article III, Section 1.
D. The Board of Directors shall adopt, amend and/or eliminate a rule or regulation in a manner prescribed
under the rules which will allow the membership to have prior knowledge and input before Board action
on proposed changes. Proposed changes in rules or regulations will be posted on the MFTHBA internet
site as appropriate a minimum of sixty (60) days prior to the Board meeting at which action is to be
undertaken. Any changes in rules, with the exception of bona fide safety or legal issues, will become
effective January 1 of the following year. Safety or legal issues will be handled in a manner to protect the
membership and horses, as warranted. This Paragraph D will take effect following publication of the
2008 Official Handbook.

D. The Board of Directors shall adopt, amend and/or eliminate a rule or regulation in a manner prescribed
under the rules which will allow the membership to have prior knowledge and input before Board action
on proposed changes. Proposed changes in rules or regulations will be posted on the MFTHBA internet
site as appropriate a minimum of sixty (60) days prior to the Board meeting at which action is to be
undertaken. Any changes in rules, with the exception of bona fide safety or legal issues, will become
effective 30 days after passage by the BOD directors, except for a safety or legal issue which requires being enacted immediately. No rule changes pertaining to show or judging procedures may be enacted between May 1 and Octobre 31 of the current year.

The following rule change would become effective immediately if the by law change passed, to make the rule book section comply with the by laws.

400 – Meetings and Board of Directors Procedures
(page 44) Section 2, A. 5.
Current Rule:
5. Any rule adopted, changed, or revoked will become effective the following January 1, with
the exception of a safety or legal issue which requires being enacted immediately.

Proposed Change:
5. Any rule adopted, changed, or revoked will become effective 30 days after passage by the BOD directors, with the exception of a safety or legal issue which requires being enacted immediately.
6. No rule changes pertaining to show or judging procedures may be enacted between May 1 and October 31 of the current year.