We Want to Hear from You
MFTHBA Members and Affiliates are encouraged to submit articles! Do you have an interesting story about your involvement with the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse? Is your registered Missouri Fox Trotting Horse competing in all-breed competitions? Do you have an exceptional photo that you think is worthy of being published in the magazine or even on the cover? The Journal is always on the lookout for interesting stories and outstanding photos that help illustrate the versatility and beauty of our amazing breed. To submit an article, send it to the MFTHBA @ mfthbajournal@gmail.com
Advertising in the MFTHBA Journal
If you would you like to communicate your message to thousands of Missouri Fox Trotting Horse owners and enthusiasts, then you might consider advertising in The Journal – the only publication dedicated to the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse.
MFTHBA PO Box 1027 Ava, MO 65608
Journal Email: mfthbajournal@gmail.com
Telephone: 417-683-2468 – Fax: 417-683-6144
Full Page: $350.00
Half Page: $265.00
Quarter Page : $150.00
Eighth Page: $85.00
Inside Front Cover: $500.00
Inside Back Cover: $500.00
Camera-Ready files preferred. File Fonts must be embedded. CorelDraw, Photoshop, Adobe InDesign Preferred.
First 30 Words is $15.00. Each word thereafter is an additional 50 cents each.
Classified ads are placed in the Journal as well as on the Classified Page of the MFTHBA website.
Advertising and Article Deadline: 1st of the month, two months prior to Issue Date